Heather Catchpole, on Founding the Refraction Media

Dream Big, Think Big.
Have you ever been told that you should start small? Well, Heather Catchpole and her co-founder Karen Taylor Brown, went past that advice and were rather "Unapologetically ambitious" to quote Shellye Archambeau, former IBM CEO in her leadership book.
They had this big vision for Refraction Media to be delivering globally and so they went on and founded a now super popular Australian science media company which is now distributing 2M magazines globally, with 75,000 digital users per month and they are working with over 200 clients including giants like Google.
Heather shares how her and her co-founder Karen brainstormed that idea in a pub, and used their decade long experience in media to pulled off a successful profitable business, and achieve global distribution within 2 years!
Hear it from Heather Catchpole
Released on 21 March 2023
You can learn more at https://www.refractionmedia.com.au/