Dr. Melina Georgousakis, on Founding the Franklin Women

Did you know that there is female brain drain that sees women with STEM degree leaving the sector within 5 years? That is what Melina Georgousakis decided to act upon by founding the Franklin Women, a social enterprise aiming to break the silos in the health and medical sector as well address this terrible brain drain. Following the standard academic pathway, Melina experienced first hands a male dominated workplace, highly hierarchical, which ultimately saw many women stagnate, then leave the sector to pursue more sustainable careers.
This is her story of brewing this big ideal and dream about a health medical sector where women can thrive and how she started a social enterprise, which now supports thousands of women in Australia and has over 16 participating partners, delivering an award winning mentoring program and a myriad of events and workshops, EACH attended by hundreds of women .
She takes us through her transition from academic research in vaccines to corporate in health policies and how she found a glaring hole when it comes to career development and support community for women in the health medical sector- and how she decided that she could fix this! Hear it from Melina on what it took to bring the Franklin Women to life and grow it to the vibrant community it is now - all while having a family and a corporate job!
Released on 16 May 2023
You can learn more at https://franklinwomen.com.au/